REAP Wairarapa is the Tindall Foundation Funding Manager for the Wairarapa. We work closely with our neighbours at Taraua REAP to administer this fund on behalf of the Foundation.
The philosophy of The Tindall Foundation is to provide assistance to heal problems rather than manage them – that is to give “a hand up not a hand out”.
The Trustees have preference for projects that assist groups and communities to meet their own needs by better using their own resources in sustainable ways.
Particular emphasis is placed on innovation, partnerships, links to other organisations and the community, multiple funding sources and ongoing sustainability when Tindall Foundation funding ceases.
The Tindall Foundation’s funding for our area is focused on supporting families and social services.
The key areas for support are:
- Early Years
- Youth Development
- Māori
- Migrant, Refugees and Cross Cultural
- Literacy and Numeracy
- Budgeting
- Community Services and Development
For more information go to Tindall Foundation Website.
Please note that we are not able to fund initiatives with a focus on health, disability, core education, sport and recreation, drama art or performing arts.
Note: Funding applications will only be considered for projects that are not part of core governmental funding – that is projects that government already fund.
Applications are currently open – they close 20th October 2024
Our colleagues at Tararua REAP handle the applications for the region. You can head here for the application forms and criteria sheet
For more information see the Tindall Foundation Website or contact the Director at REAP Wairarapa