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We work alongside primary, intermediate and secondary schools to plan a range of programmes that bring students together to do interesting and challenging things. We also work alongside our three Kahui Ako’s/Principal Clusters to bring Professional Learning and Development for teachers directly to the Wairarapa region.

Our work in schools includes:

– Providing support to all 44 schools in our region
– Increasing the diversity of opportunity for students, especially in rural schools
– Supporting successful transitions and pathways
– Supporting Combined School Events such as the Year 8 Moving On Conference and the Wairarapa Kapa Haka Festival
– Providing quality professional development programmes for teachers, here in the Wairarapa
– Supporting individual school programmes, where schools can apply for further support

The purpose of our student extension programmes is to light the fire of enthusiasm for a subject  (or to fan existing flames), to broaden horizons and to stimulate thinking. They give an opportunity for a student to be immersed with a small group of like-minds, and to work without interruption while focused on the same topic.

We include learning objectives and information to help you to select students for each programme. 
We encourage you to take risks about the selection of children who may benefit from exposure to the workshop topic, however we cannot accept students who are a ‘risk’ when it comes to behaviour.

We believe the best way for students to share the learning they have done at REAP programmed events with their school is for their teachers to talk to them about it, using the learning objectives as a guide to questioning. We will email you on the last day of the course with the course information and any handouts to enable you to have those conversations with your students when they return to the classroom.

We will also email an online evaluation to you for students to complete and we encourage you to undertake this exercise as soon as students return to school. The evaluation is an important part of our work; not only does it assist us with future planning, it provides valuable feedback to ensure our programmes are relevant and meeting needs of staff and students.

REAP will allocate places to each school and then request names if they have not already been provided. Should substitution of one child for another be deemed better as the workshop approaches, please ensure you advise REAP Wairarapa at least three working days before the class dates

Contact Trudy, Schools Liaison for further information on any of our 2025 Schools Programmes.