Adult and Community Education

Like all REAPs, we run programmes specially designed for our learners. The ACE (Adult and Community Education) courses listed here are those that meet the priorities set out by the Tertiary Education Commission in line with government policy.

Those priorities are:
1. Targeting learners whose initial learning was not successful.
2. Raising foundation skills.
3. Strengthening social cohesion.

Programmes must also target Literacy / Numeracy, Digital Literacy and or our NZ languages (Te Reo Maori, English, NZ Sign).

To qualify as an ACE Programme, we need to be able to meet at least Priority 1 or Priority 2. The decision on this will be made by REAP Staff who have received training in this area.

As this may be something that is difficult to make sense of, please contact REAP Wairarapa with any enquiries. They should be directed to our Education Manager, Alison Woollard

Contact us to find out more about our ACE Programmes.

Browse our courses below: