Develop Your creative Confidence Term 1 2025

What is Creative Confidence?   Creative confidence is the courage to be creative and to keep being creative through successes and setbacks.Confidence supports creative thought and turns ideas into reality. In this course you will learn art techniques to enable you to express yourself through a variety of creative projects.  All very welcome. 

Course Number: #48392

Dates: Weekly starting Wednesday, 22 January 2025
Times: Wednesday evenings 6pm – 9pm
Tutor: Billy Gordon
Venue: The Yellow Plane Studio, at new premises 143a Main Street, Pahiatua
Cost:  $0 Fully Subidised

To Enrol Please enrol below, or on the day at the studio

If enrolling online – please quote course #48392


Course Tutor: Billy Gordon

Outline of the Course: 

By the end of this course learner will have learnt new techniques and built confidence to enable them to express themselves through a variety of art projects.  Learners will expand their art methods such as grids for drawing, perspective, geometry, loomis, crafting basic patterns for sewing, and will learn how to take materials from 2D to 3D.  Learners will complete multiple creative pieces.

Please note: All resources provided in class.

Please contact for any further information you may require.