Wairarapa Schools Photography Competition

The Photography Awards is an e-learning competition, open to all primary and intermediate-aged students in the Wairarapa region. This competition allows students to be inspired, to innovate, and to create. For teachers, the challenge is to further integrate e-learning and use technology effectively in their classroom practice to enhance students’ creativity and digital competencies. The awards evening will provide an opportunity for students at all levels to share and celebrate their e-learning skills and talents.

Following judging the award-winning entries will be professionally produced and presented to the winners at an awards night. If we are unable to hold an awards evening we will move the awards announcements to an online video.
An overall winning photographer will also be selected.

The photography entry categories are;


Just like you, animals love their playtime too. Your photo can be of any animal as long as you capture them at play.

SPCA kids have been extremely kind and allowed us to use their Top Photography Tips, a great resource from their Kind Matters newsletter


The goal of water photography is to capture the way it moves and how it interacts with light.

Ideas can include; the sea, a lake, a river or a puddle, reflection, water running, rain falling, rain on a surface or an object e.g. window, leaf

Thank you to our 2022 photographers for the photos above.

Entry levels for each category are:
Group 1: Years 1 and 2
Group 2: Years 3 and 4
Group 3: Years 5 and 6
Group 4: Years 7 and 8


  • Maximum of 5 entries per entry group in each category from each school
  • Only 1 entry in each category per student.
  • Entries must be taken by the student.
  • All entries must be a photo taken in 2024.
  • Written permission must be obtained for use of personal images. e.g. portraits. This information must be held by the school.
  • Image size must be at least 1 MB. This will make images reproducible. Photographs must be saved in jpeg file format. 
  • Images can be submitted in colour or black and white.
  • Images can be cropped but cannot be digitally altered in any other way.
  • Judges’ decisions will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.
  • Schools are asked to print off all photos submitted (A4 size) and arrange on a black or white science fair display board, with your school’s name on for the awards evening. This is so we can have a display of all photographs entered into the final competition for whānau to see as they enter



  • Convey a message
  • Have an easily understood meaning or message. (Make your subject obvious, take time to choose a focal point for your image that will help portray its meaning to the viewer.)
  • Have good composition (Use techniques such as rule of thirds; foreground; background; balance and order to draw the viewers eye through your image and to the main focal point)
  • Show one or more of the elements (pattern, line, colour, light)
  • Demonstrate awareness of angle; frame and/or macro
  • Be a large size (e.g. at least 1 MB), as images will be viewed on a screen for judging (check size)
  • Be saved in jpeg file format
  • Be named using the title of the photo and the name of the photographer, school, level and category.

The judge looks at the form and feel of the image, the techniques that were used, the presentation, and the composition. A judge observes the work as a whole, without breaking it down into parts. Technical considerations, composition, lighting, and impact are key considerations.

CREATIVITYThe image shows very little attempt at original ideasThe image has some originality and shows attempted innovationThe image is innovative, some creativity has been used and interesting ideas attempted. But the overall image is not fully resolved. The image displays considerable creatively. It has fresh and interesting ideas. That make you want to look at it again and again
ELEMENTSArtistic elements are not used in the image. There is lack of cohesion and the subject and artists intentions are unclear.At least one artistic element is easily identified in the image. The use of this element may lack creativity and it does not effectively support the message of the image.More than one artistic element has been applied to the image with some creativity. The student has considered how these elements can support their message.The student effectively applied artistic elements to their image such as colour, pattern, line and light, to create a visually pleasing and well-crafted image
VISUAL COMPONENTSThe student created a composition with little or no consideration to background or how the subject is framed within the shot. The subject may be unclear and there may be distracting elements in the backgroundThe student’s composition has a clear subject and consideration has been made of the background. But the image lacks creativity in the use of angles or framing. The main focal point may be unclear.Some creativity has been applied to the composition and the student has considered the angle of the shot and how the object is framed. The subject is clear and the background has no distracting elements.The student applied composition techniques such as rules of 3rds, balance, angles and framing with intention and thought. The composition effectively helps portray the message/ story of the image. 

How to submit photos

School entries need to be submitted via Google drive. Your school’s teacher in charge of the competition will be emailed their school google folder. Inside the folder will be two folders, one labelled ‘Still Life’ and one labelled ‘Shapes’. 

Inside each of these will be the Year Level entry folders.

We suggest schools set up a folder to change the photo names to the required format and to save all of your entries in before they are submitted.

Images must be named using the following format:
category (ST) or (SL) 
year level of student

Examples: AP_7_8_mis_janedoe.jpeg or W_1_2_lakeview_johnsmith (please use a underscore (_) in between each

AP – Animals at Play
W – Water